Administrative Support Services
Successful operation of an educational institution requires competent administrators. NITS's professional staff will assist your district's administrators that provide instructional and information technology leadership to manage the day-to-day activities in schools, preschools, day care centers, and colleges and universities. They also provide insight to help direct the educational programs of businesses, correctional institutions, museums, job training and community service organizations.
NITS administrators help your district set educational standards and goals and establish the policies and procedures required to achieve them. They also supervise managers, support staff, teachers, counselors, librarians, coaches, and other employees. They develop academic programs, monitor students' educational progress, train and motivate teachers and other staff, manage career counseling and other student services, administer recordkeeping, prepare budgets, and perform many other duties. They also handle relations with parents, prospective and current students, employers, and the community. In a smaller organization such as a small day care center, one administrator may handle all these functions. In universities or large school systems, responsibilities are divided among many administrators, each with a specific function.
2886 Upper Mountain Road
Sanborn, New York 14132
(716) 259-9135 phone:
(716) 731-9819 fax: